Procedures for Use of New “Resident Carts”

  • New carts (“resident carts”) are for resident use only; older shopping carts will be used by contractors and stored in a different location.
  • Resident carts will be stored in current cart storage screened cage and door will be locked.
  • Current cart storage screened cage will be keyed to match your common area key.
  • Current cart storage screened cage will be equipped with a camera that monitor’s all activity.
  • Any cart not returned within 1-hour of use, resident will be notified by Front Desk staff.
  • Each cart used by a resident is expected to be returned to the cage in clean condition.
  • “Resident carts” are to be used for the following purposes: transporting groceries, luggage and/or personal items.
  • Resident carts are not to be used for transporting any building material, paint, lumber, etc. The old carts should be used for transport of this type of material and will be kept in the bulk trash area of the building.
  • Residents that perform light “Do-It-Yourself” tasks within their own condominium are required to use carts designated for contractors as well.
  • Any resident found allowing his/her contractor to use new carts for building materials are subject to be fined a minimum fee of $50.00 and up to replacement cost of said cart if damage occurs. These fines also apply to “Do-It-Yourself” residents.
  • The Front Desk staff will monitor all contractor cart activity as they sign in to perform work for any resident. The Front Desk staff must inform said contractor that if they are using our carts, the cart must be returned to the designated area by the end of each work day.

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